Tag Archives: mental game

Take the Shot!

Recently I was giving a playing lesson to a student of mine.  He came to me frustrated that he could hit the ball a long way, but could not score.  “My friends always out play me and I hit the ball better than they do!” he exclaimed. His ability vs. his results were getting the best of him. 

After he attended my Breakthrough to Your ‘A’ Game workshop, he realized that he needed to master his mental and emotional game.  It wasn’t until I went out on the golf course and watched his mind at work on the course that we discovered the main domino causing his exasperated state.

From the first tee, I could see that he was diligently thinking about his swing as he was setting up to the ball.  It didn’t take me long to share my assessment, “The problem is you are playing from the wrong side of your brain.  Golf is not played from the left brain—it’s played from the right side of your brain.  We have to move you from playing ‘swing’ to playing the game.”

He confessed to me that he had taught himself how to play the game.  I could tell he was a superb learner.  A professional nurse who worked in cardiac, he had to be extremely precise on his job as people’s lives hung in the balance.  He took that precision into his golf, but in the wrong way.

I explored his thinking further.  “Please talk to me out-loud as you set up to this shot.”  He said, “Now I don’t want to go over there.  It’s out of bounds. I don’t want to go over here…if I hit it too long then this is going to happen…”  “STOP!”  I shouted.  “Your problem is you are playing defensive golf.  Golf is not played that way.  You have to play offensive golf!  You have to envision the shot you want to hit and then hit it!” 

We both looked at one another as we discovered his breakthrough revelation.  I continued.  “You were a basketball player in college.  You didn’t play basketball that way, did you?”  “No!” he confessed, “Never.”  Golf is the same way.  When you invoke your imagination and see the shot you want to hit, then you will be playing the game.  It’s time to move from defensive to offensive golf.  Now hit the shot you want to hit on this hole and don’t think about anything else!”

He proceeded to get the correct yardage, ask for my feedback on what club to hit, and then took dead aim on the target.  The ball went sailing right toward the pin. He hit the green!  Turning around to me in utter joy, he exclaimed, “I did it!”  After several more shots just like that, he was all smiles.  “This is FUN!”

All we did is turn his strategy from one of survival on the course to one of executing.  This 90-some shooter, after taking about four mulligan shots, ended up shooting 3 under par for the nine holes.  Amazing!

It was a beautiful thing to see the shift take place in his game and the way he approached it.  Driving home, the revelation that was such a powerful breakthrough, was not only for my student, but for me.  I began to think about how many times I have sabotaged “scoring my best in life,” because I took the defensive posture.  Instead of aligning myself to the shot I wanted to take on my dream, on a career move, or on an idea, I settled for what would get me by.  Just like my student, I ended up with a result that was far below my ability—and I brought unwanted suffering upon myself as a result.

How about you?  How has the Corona virus affected your mindset?  Are you playing small when you need to play big?  Have you pulled back when your heart is saying to go forth?  Is it causing you to bring unnecessary suffering upon yourself? 

While being cautious, I absolutely refuse to let this nasty virus make me play defensive in life.  I took 3 shots I wanted to hit recently.  I moved out of my home, left a job, and wrote a courageous letter to someone I needed to stand up to. Why?  I’m on my way to the game I want to play—envisioning and hitting my shots!

As you tee it up in golf and life today, focus on taking the shot you want to hit.  Take dead aim on it.  That’s what champions do.  I want to be a champion. I believe you do, too.  Take the shot!  Who knows, maybe there is a 3 under par round just waiting for you, too.

If you would like to start calling and hitting your shots in golf or in your life, please reach out to me. We’ll hop on a quick call and see how to release your inner champion! veronica@truechampioncoaching.com.

For performance coaching programs, please visit truechampionacademy.com.

Finding Total Victory on the Road to Championship

I have been playing competitive golf for 55 years. Through the various stages of my life, my approach to the game has taken on many transformations. My recent championship, the Tennessee Senior Women’s Open, proved to be yet another enlightening experience on my road to championship.

It was so different than the first time I made a road-trip to play in a big championship. I was 15 years old, a young whipper-snapper who was bent on winning. It didn’t matter that it was my first tournament away from home and I should have been satisfied with the experience of playing in a national competition. It didn’t matter that this was my first road trip with my mother and that creating a fun memory with her was a good aim. I just wanted to win!

After I shot a horrifying 100 in my first round, all I wanted to do is leave. Mad that I didn’t win, I made my mom get in the car and make the five-hour drive home from Cincinnati to Pittsburgh immediately after my round. I could not see that there is much victory between a winning and losing score.

Forty-six years later, I have learned that no matter what you score, you can achieve total victory on the road to championship.

While I now help others become champions as a performance coach, I thought it would be good to tee it up myself. Over the years, I have learned and taught that the mental-emotional state in which you play is even more important than your skill level. In order to reach peak performance, you have to create an Ideal Performance State of total positivity and calm concentration.

I’ve also learned and taught that identity is the key missing ingredient in high performance. You are not a champion because you win a trophy. You are a champion based on who you are. Helping others connect their head and their heart with the truest part of themselves, empowers a player to play from victory. They play from a high sense of self-belief in their heart.

As I headed to Tennessee, I packed my bags along with all the dynamics of the inner game that I live, breathe, and teach. While I have not played a lot golf, I had victory in my spirit.

One of the challenges of playing golf in Tennessee in the summer is the high probability of rain. This time around, the rain and thunderstorms were constant. The first day we had a four-hour rain delay. I didn’t tee off until after 4 pm! Come the 16th hole, we were playing with the fire flies and all the chirping night sounds. My focus and ability to read the greens was stellar. My ball had a little GPS system on it—I made putts from everywhere! I was leading the TN Senior Women’s Open by 5 shots after the first round!

The next day I had to get up at 4:45 to finish my round. Due to three bad nights of sleep from a noisy hotel, I was very tired. My mind was so tired I could not focus. A total turn-around from the day before, the wheels came off. I topped 3 balls into the water on my drive on one hole, ending up with an 11! I ended up losing 14 shots to the eventual winner.

While my emotions felt a letdown for about fifteen minutes, my spirit rose up. I thought, “It’s just a score and nothing more.” It came again, this time with a little melody, “It’s just a score, and nothing more. I play free. I have the victory.”

Unlike my 15 year old self, I did not feel the sting of defeat for more than a moment. All I felt was victory. Victory in winning the first day. Victory in defeat my second day—why? Because my worth has NOTHING to do with my score.

Neither does yours. Whether you are playing in the US Kids, the National High School Team Championship, or any other competition, my encouragement to you is to PLAY FREE. You don’t have to wait 46 years to discover this reality. You can discover it on the road to championship today.

Enjoy your entire experience. Embrace your family and friends—all the relationships that come your way. “To enter” is to win. And most of all, know that your priceless worth as a person has nothing to do with your score! That’s total victory.

If you would like some help for yourself or your competitive junior golfer and are in the Orlando area, please join me on Friday, August 21st, for a one day Breakthrough to Your ‘A’ Game workshop at Red Tail Golf Club in Sorrento, Florida.

More info here: redtailgc.com/instruction.

Hope to see you there!

Veronica Karaman is the founder of truechampionacademy.com, a performance coaching practice on-line and in person and the author of The Champion’s Way: Core Foundations to Achieving Peak Performance in Sports and Life, available on Amazon.com. You can contact her at: veronicakaraman@gmail.com