College Success: Who are you listening to?

The person you listen to is the most important person in your life. When you first go off to college you probably aren’t thinking about this truth. Your mind is filled with getting to class on time, finding your classes, getting used to your roommate, wondering what to do with some homesick pains, and who your new friends will be. When I first went off to Duke, I only had one friend whom I knew that went there. His advice to me was, “Just get by your first semester. Don’t worry about doing your best—just do what you need to do to get by.” I listened to him. As a result, my normal “A” grade performance slid downhill. I substituted mediocrity for excellence and I suffered. My grades went downhill and so did my expectations of myself for the next two years. Yep. Two years. Then I discovered what had happened. I listened to the wrong advice and it cost me dearly. After that, I gave my best to everything I did and expressed the person I knew myself to be. My grades soared again and I was happy with myself. The person you listen to is the most important person in your life. Who are your listening to?

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